
First introduced in 1935, Carlo is still very much alive. Its impressive performance during all those years is based on a continuous development with new technologies and ingredients. After decades of superior quality, Carlo remains on top.

All Carlo products are stable emulsions. Products from the Carlo range are particularly designed for bread release applications. The water in the emulsion evaporates during baking and supports the forming of a nice golden-brown crust. Due to the high viscosity, Carlo adheres very well to the vertical side of baking tins. This guarantees a perfect release and enables you to spray forms in advance. The high viscosity also guarantees excellent spraying properties without the formation of mist.

Usage : to release yeast doughs for bread and rolls
Composition : water, oil, emulsifier

Carlo 500    
Usage : to release sweet yeast doughs for bread and rolls
Composition : vegetable oil, water, vegetable wax